Risks once payment has been made

Payment process not managed


  • Late payments leading to complaints of not paying suppliers promptly and payment of financial penalties as permitted under legislation
  • Payments made for goods or services not received
  • Payment made to the wrong supplier
  • Payments are not matched to correct purchase order leading to double accounting
  • Loss of prompt payment discounts


  • Ensure staff involved with recording goods received documentation and authorising payments are aware of need to do this promptly
  • Ensure staff are aware of the importance of carefully checking deliveries for correctness and taking appropriate action where there are errors on problems
  • Ensure staff are aware of the need to identify suppliers accurately when identifying suppliers (on orders and invoices authorisations)
  • Where purchase order processing is computerised, or order details are uploading into the financial system and the information is used to prepare commitment accounting information – ensure that staff are aware of the importance of accurately quoting order numbers and matching goods received documentation and invoices back to the correct order number
  • Ensure staff involved with recording goods received documentation and authorising payments are aware of need to do this promptly

Inadequate separation of duties


  • Staff open to challenge of inappropriate behaviour


  • Ensure different staff are involved at the different purchasing phases